Chemical Free Aquatic Weed Control Lake Bottom Blanket®

The Lake Bottom Blanket® is a chemical-free weed killer that is an affordable solution to kill lake weeds that have detrimental effects on water quality and the recreational use of Lakes and Ponds. This sunlight barrier’s design is simple to use and will cost the customer much less than other aquatic weed control methods.

The Lake Bottom Blanket® is designed for the lake-front property owner to rid their waterfront of unsightly aquatic weeds with 100% effectiveness. This style of lake weed control is considered a Benthic Barrier, and its design has advantages over the other sunlight blockers currently on the market. No need to get into the water and pull lake weeds out by the root or drop dangerous herbicides into your water. Just lay out a Lake Bottom Blanket® and kill lake weeds today.

Lake Tahoe, and its related associations in CA and NV, have used our Lake Bottom Blankets® since 2010. Here is an example of how Tahoe Keys Property Owner’s Association uses and distributes Lake Bottom Blankets® in their area since 2015 and they have used over 5 acres of them!

Canadian Customers you have a Lake Bottom Blanket® aquatic weed killer distributor in Canada shipping country-wide.

You can also see their product page for the DeSkuzzer.

   Australian Customers you have a Lake Bottom Blanket® lake weed killer distributor in Australia shipping country-wide.

There are many benefits to using non-chemical weed control methods like Lake Bottom Blanket®:

  • Environmentally friendly: Non-chemical methods do not use harmful herbicides, which when used can effect water supplies and kill good plant life in our lakes, and in many cases can cause harmful algae blooms.

  • Effective: Non-chemical methods can be more effective than herbicides at controlling aquatic weeds.  They can be used on a much smaller scale (i.e., around docks and swimming areas).

  • Cost-effective: Non-chemical methods can be less expensive than herbicides in the long run. In many cases, no permits are needed and you can do it yourself.

  • Safe for fish and wildlife: Lake Bottom Blankets® do not harm fish or other wildlife. 

  • Easy to use: Our type of non-chemical weed control is easy to use and can be done by the homeowner.

How to kill lake weeds with the Lake Bottom Blanket®

  • For aquatic plants to grow they require sunlight; when you reduce or eliminate sunlight you stop plants from synthesizing food and they die. This is the premise of how the chemical-free weed killer Lake Bottom Blanket® works.
  • The process of fully killing lake weeds takes about 4 weeks, then that area will be weed free for the rest of the season.
  • We recommend moving your LBBs to kill lake weeds in other areas to maximize its cost.
  • The best part about this type of aquatic weed control is that it kills the lake weeds only where it is installed.  It doesn’t cause harmful Algal blooms like herbicide usage, and once installed the area is usable immediately. 
  • Lake Bottom Blanket® is a 100% effective* lake weed killer when used to target submerged or emerged aquatic weeds.
  • There are many benefits to using non-chemical aquatic weed control methods. These methods are environmentally friendly, effective, cost-effective, and safe for fish and wildlife. If you are looking for a way to control aquatic weeds without harming the environment, Lake Bottom Blanket® could be the non-chemical method for you.

*Eel Grass, Lily pads and Hydrilla are a few lake weeds that are very difficult to kill; covering the entire infestation for longer periods of time can work but is not guaranteed. In these cases, the LBB can act as a barrier to give you open water in those areas. DO NOT Harvest Hydrilla.

Find an area to get rid of weeds

Step 1


Select the area where you want to kill lake weeds, usually around docks and swimming areas.

Place the Lake Bottom Blanket over the weeds you want to kill.

Step 2


Place the chemical-free weed killer, Lake Bottom Blanket® over the weeds you want to kill. After installation the weed-free water above the LBB can be used immediately.   This safe and cost-effective method of weed control takes minutes to install, and is 100% effective in killing lake weeds.

Weed Free Swimming

Step 3


After about 1 month, the aquatic weeds under the blanket will have died. We recommend moving them to kill lake weeds in a new location.  At season’s end, remove the Lake Bottom Blankets® and store them until next season.

Benefits of Aquatic Weed Control in our Lakes

Aquatic weeds can be a nuisance in any body of water, whether it’s a pond, lake, or even in rivers. Lake weeds diminish your esthetics, make it difficult to swim or boat, and even harbor harmful bacteria. If unchecked, over time these overgrown aquatic weeds will trap sediment and slowly fill in the waterbody.  This would lead to massive dredging projects to get the lake back to being usable. 

Traditionally, the way to control aquatic weeds has been to use herbicides. However, herbicides can be harmful to the environment, and they can also be expensive. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in non-chemical aquatic weed control methods. These methods are more environmentally friendly and can be just as effective as herbicides.

One of the most effective non-chemical weed control methods is the use of a Lake Bottom Blanket®. A Lake Bottom Blanket® prevents sunlight from reaching the weeds, which prevents them from growing. For a homeowner, you can instantly fix your waterfront area and enjoy all it has to offer. 


Lake Bottom Blanket | Chemical Free Weed Killer for Lakes

Why Use Lake Bottom Blanket® For Your Lake Weed Control?

Aquatic weed control is more than just killing lake weeds everywhere in your lake, there needs to be a balance for the body of water to be healthy. A healthy lake has many things going for it: Clean clear water and appropriate aquatic plant life, waterfowl, and fish. A lake or pond that has turbid water, that smells, has fish kills and masses of aquatic weeds and algae forming weed mats on the surface is in need of help. A significant management program is indicated, one in which our weed control products can play a critical role. Our solution is a chemical free weed killer, Low cost and 100% effective on most submerged aquatic lake weeds. (Eel Grass, Lily Pads and Hydrilla are lake weeds that are very difficult to kill; sometimes much more time is needed. )

NON Toxic lake weed control

Non-Chemical Aquatic weed control

The Lake Bottom Blanket® is a “Green” chemical-free weed killer solution to the aquatic weed problem that affects 85% of all fresh water bodies around the world. This tool is 100% effective in the control of submerged aquatic weeds. It is one of the only Non-Chemical lake weed control solutions that is 100% effective at killing lake weeds.

Low-Cost Aquatic weed control

Low-Cost Aquatic weed control

The total initial cost for the Lake Bottom Blanket®, including its locally purchased rebar and shipping, is about 70 cents per square foot for the 40 footer. If one moves the Lake Bottom Blanket® four times in the season ( the recommended procedure) the first year cost is about 14 cents per square foot; as the years go by the cost approaches zero.

100% Effective Aquatic weed control

100% Guarantee weed control – We spent considerable time and expense to invent and patent the Lake Bottom Blanket® and the feedback from our customers has been very positive. We know it does the job, so guaranteeing the effectiveness of the Lake Bottom Blanket® is a no brainer!


Check out the New DeSkuzzer 3.0 Water Surface Skimmer. Just another tool to help keep your lake front looking great!

Deskuzzer - Lake and Pond weed skimmer

How to use LBB for your waterfront project

Lake Bottom Blankets® are a 100% Effective weed control solution at controlling aquatic weeds. They are also environmentally friendly and easy to use. If you are looking for a way to control aquatic weeds without harming the environment, a Lake Bottom Blanket® is a great option. These resources explain how to set up a successful aquatic weed control plan for your area, with design diagrams and helpful insight into the best practices in weed control.