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Many states have regulations on weed control products, but they are frequently unable to enforce them. We have customers in every state.

There are a few regulations that may apply in Illinois that customers should be aware of:

In the Fox Chain O’Lakes and Lake MichiganA Letter of Permission (LOP) permit is needed for applications of this product in public waters consisting of the Fox Chain O’Lakes and Lake Michigan. Bottom barriers in these natural waters are considered “non-chemical treatments” in our Administrative Rules 895 and 897. See Rule 895 and Rule 897. These permits are also reviewed for impacts to state protected natural resources (threatened and endangered species and nature preserves) pursuant to Administrative Rule 1075. When a person applies for an LOP permit through the Fisheries Division, the Fisheries Division sends the LOP to the IDNR for review. For example, there are listed fishes in the Chain O’Lakes that spawn in aquatic vegetation and could be impacted by a bottom barrier. So, the IDNR would work to address those issues with the applicant and Fisheries.

Private ponds and lakes – No permit or consultation needs for bottom barrier applications in these waters per IDNR regulations.

Municipal owned lakes – IDNR Consultation rules require state and local governments consult with the IDNR regarding impacts to state protected natural resources for projects they “fund authorize, or perform.” See Part 1075 link above. So if a city is applying the barrier to their lake or authorizing homeowners on the lake to install it, they should submit a consultation at . There is a $125 fee for local government consultations.

Be sure to ask your local DNR, US Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Fish and Wildlife, town, etc. for any permit information.

Lake Bottom Blanket
30 Sherwood Lane
Unit 8
Fairfield, NJ  07004
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