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Many states have regulations on weed control products. However, they are frequently unable to enforce them. We have customers in every state.
Section 1
Exemption (Env-Wt 510.03) as of 12/11/19
No permit is required for hand removal of exotic aquatic weed or the installation and maintenance of benthic barriers on the bottom of a surface water to control the growth of exotic aquatic weed, as authorized by RSA 487:17, provided:
(a) The work is conducted by divers who have received training in exotic aquatic weed control diving from a diving instructor that is registered and confirmed with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)’ Limnologist, Exotic Species Program Coordinator; Amy P. Smagula (Phone: (603) 271-2248; Amy.Smagula@des.nh.gov);
(b) The project is conducted in accordance with a long-term management plan designed pursuant to Env-Wq 1305.03; (see Long-Term Variable Milfoil Management and Control Plans by waterbody below)
(c) The project is not located in a priority resource area;
(d) In flowing waters, harvesting will be initiated only at the most upstream location of the infestation, where practicable; and
(e) The project does not qualify as a major project under Env-Wt 400.
If your project meets this exemption, a wetlands permit is not required.
Here are the “Long-Term Variable Milfoil Management and Control Plans” by waterbody: (discusses benthic barriers) https://www.des.nh.gov/organization/divisions/water/wmb/exoticspecies/waterbodies_draft.htm
If you find out what permitting guidelines you have, please do us a favor and let us know at info@lakebottomblanket.com