Why you should not use Chemicals to kill lake weeds, For the those of you that are fortunate enough to live on or near a lake you know the answer to that question. “eeeewh, I’m not swimming in those weeds” or “Every time I take my boat out I get this mass of lake weeds tangled in my prop” In the mind of a homeowner Lake weeds add very little value to their recreation. There is this idea that if we were to kill all the lake weeds we would have this beautiful clear area to swim, boat and fish….That idea would be very wrong because of many reasons, first being the wildlife that live on or off of the weeds that you want gone wouldn’t survive.


These plants provide shelter for small fish, and absorb nutrients that is in constant abundance in the lake. So, killing all the lake weeds would be a bad idea. That idea would be very wrong because of many reasons, first being the wildlife that live on or off of the weeds that you want gone wouldn’t survive. These plants provide shelter for small fish, and absorb nutrients that is in constant abundance in the lake. So, killing all the lake weeds would be a bad idea.

Herbicides can be used to kill these lake weeds? NO

Sure, the use of an approved herbicide can be used to kill your lake weeds. The problem is how do you stop it from killing all the vegetation? Most herbicides are either dragged off the back of a boat or sprayed on the surface of the water.How can they be controlled to only kill a percentage of the plants and not spread all over the lake? As soon as the chemical hits the water is just spreads into solution, and goes everywhere.

When a chemical is used to kill lake weeds that lake is left with several problems. Because of its scorched earth affect the lake has no ability to use the nutrients that are in the water. Phosphorus and nitrogen from fertilizers and decaying vegetation supply the lakes plant life with necessary nutrients. When there are no weeds in the lake where does the nutrients go? The weeds that are dying become part of the biomass at the bottom of the lake which creates the “Muck” people talk about when they walk into the water.

Lake weeds gone, but still not swimming?

Why? What happens when the lake can’t absorb the nutrients that it produces, It has to go somewhere. Algae, the green stuff starts to grow and about 5 weeks after the chemical treatment we are left with this algae blooms floating into our swimming lanes.

If you like swimming in algae that’s fine but for me its worse than weeds, at least with weeds the water is clean.

How to Kill Lake weeds, correctly? Use something that will not kill every lake weed just the ones in the area you are using…That’s a Lake Bottom Blanket – It kills lake weeds only where you place it and its 100% effective. www.lakebottomblanket.com